Reconnecting Through Fermented Foods


Illustration: Fanny Gentle for The Guardian


Today, we wanted to take the time to share a recent essay on fermentation, by Aaron Vansintjan, published in the Guardian in 2019, “Fermentation is back: how will living organisms reshape your plate?”. We love so many things about this piece! While fermentation has become a buzz word in the food and health communities, there are still many misunderstandings, and even a fear of fermented foods from the broader population.

This article lays out why the trust in fermented foods was lost, why these foods remain so important, and how we might be able to reconnect as communities to bring the power of ferments back to our daily lives.

— “To practice fermentation, we need to multiply experiences, not just with bacteria and fungi, but also with each other. It takes human relationships to learn how to ferment, and it takes knowledge given to us through science and culture. It also takes common sense. This common sense emerges through interaction with others."

At Firefly Kitchens our work is fueled by the relationships we have with the foods we make and each other. Wild fermentation takes time and care, just as our relationships with each other do.

Share your thoughts in the comments! We’d love to know what you think.


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